Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Morel mushroom websites - Website References on Morel mushroom

Morel mushroom websites - Website References on Morel mushroom

This page contains 63 references about: morel mushroom. For information related pages on Morel mushroom, you may visit wikipedia, reference.com, and google. For strictly discussion related websites and/or news about Morel mushroom, you may go to google discussion results and google news.

Morel Mushrooms Recipes Hunting Info

Morel Mushrooms Recipes Hunting Info

Every spring, millions of ordinary folk like you and me around the globe hunt for the elusive morel mushrooms. Known in other countries as the morell, morrel, or moral. Many of us are obsessed with this rare delicacy. For morels don`t look like ordinary mushrooms— or taste like them. The "moral of the story" is that the flavor is rich, earthy, creamy. Once you`ve tasted a fried morel, its easy to understand this global obsession with a FUNGUS.

Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips in Michigan - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips in Michigan - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

The morel mushroom or morchella is a type of fungi that is sought after specifically for its distinct taste and texture. While the prized morel can be found in various locations around the world, it is especially sought after in the Great Lakes State of Michigan.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Simple Trick For Growing Morel Mushrooms - Modern Homesteading - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

A Simple Trick For Growing Morel Mushrooms - Modern Homesteading - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Here's how to increase the odds of growing morel mushrooms in your own back yard: Submerge a batch of morels in a pan of water with a plate on top and place the pan in the refrigerator. After a few hours, take the pan to your back yard (or other "secret spot") and pour the water around a tree

OUTDOORS: Marvelous morels make mighty good munching

OUTDOORS: Marvelous morels make mighty good munching

— There aren’t many kinds of foods that people would drive more than a hundred miles to find, then search for all day. The morel mushroom is one of those foods.

To a mushroom hunter, finding a morel is like striking gold. Both are valuable and hard to find, and hunters won’t tell anybody else where they found the prize. That’s why it’s good to go with somebody who knows where morels might be, somebody who enjoys seeing other people discover the joy of finding the delicacy.

National Morel Mushroom Festival in Boyne City, Michigan: An Annual Springtime Affair - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

National Morel Mushroom Festival in Boyne City, Michigan: An Annual Springtime Affair - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

This year the National More Mushroom Festival will be held from May 12th, 2011 through May 15th.