Sunday, April 30, 2006

Eleven Year Old Finds 5 pound mushroom in Indiana

April 18 - Noblesville, Indiana - Janet White, 11, finds a 5 pound mushroom of unidentified species. The news report states that she's been hunting mushrooms since she was 1. And that she was a better hunter then, since she was closer to the ground.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Radar/weather maps - Nexrad radar

Since morels are dependent on moisture and temperature conditions, and a good rain the few days before usually makes them pop, here is a handy tool to see not only weather patterns but also total precipitation and temperature. You can enter location or zip code, and it has an almanac feature--you can go back several years. You can create a zoom box around specific areas.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2006 Morel Festivals and Events

Mansfield Village Mushroom Festival
April 29-30, 2006
Mansfield, Parke County, Indiana

Mountain Mushroom Festival:
Last weekend of April in Irvine,Kentucky

Illinois State Morel Mushroom Hunting Championship 
May 5 & 6, 2006
Marshall-Putnam Fairgrounds
Henry, Illinois

Richmond Annual Morel Mushroom Festival
May 5,6 & 7, 2006
Richmond, Missouri

Mesick Mushroom Festival:
May 12-14, 2006 in Mesick, MI (Mushroom Capitol of the World!)

Boyne City, Michigan 46th Morel Festival
May 18-20, 2006

Muscoda 24th Annual Morel Mushroom Festival:
May 20 & 21, 2006
Muscoda, WI (Morel Mushroom Capitol of Wisconsin)